Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Night

I had the privelege of spending this evening with Carolyn. I am sure Carolyn would much rather have been at a halloween party dressed up as one of the characters from twilight, but we will have to wait for that until next year.I was glad because it saved me from going back and forth to the door handing out candy to the trick-o-treaters. Earlier today Heidi and I bought a book to leave in Carolyn's room so that it can be read to her. I don't know about Carolyn, but the rest of us were getting tired of hearing the Vegitales CD. The book is "The Undaunted" which I knew when we bought the book was the story of the pioneer saints sent to settle the southeastern part of Utah. The part I didn't know is that the story starts out in England in Yorkshire, telling the story of a coal miner in the 1860's. The book is written to imitate his strong accent, which I am sure I was absolutely killing, but I was doing my best. Carolyn was somewhat restless, so I am not sure if she was getting tired of my reading, or if she was just laughing inside because of the terrible job I was doing with the Yorkish accent, which the book makes out to be a very strong accent. So not wanting to cause her any reason to be stressed out I put the book aside and instead starting singiing some Hymns. She seemed to enjoy this more and was much more calm. Although it may have also had something to do with the medication that the nurse had given her. But I will just keep on telling myself that it was my awesome voice hat did the trick. Thanks again for all of the prayers that are being offered in Carolyn's behalf, it is making a world of difference for her. All of our best.

Shaun, the big brother in law.


  1. Carolyn, I just stumbled upon our pictures from our Disney trip. Oh what a blast that was! I continue to check up on you throughout the day and am so happy when I hear you have had another babystep. I also enjoy reading the testimonies that your family members share. It is a great reminder to me that Christ is at the center of all things. We love you and will continue to pray for you! Love Rebecca (and Tyler and Mallory)

  2. Carolyn,
    I'm so pleased to read how well you are doing, although the steps are small they are significant. You are a strong person and I know that each and every millimetre has taken all your hard work. You are an inspiration to me and what it's like to have so much faith that anything is possible. Me and Lydia love you so much. I'm thinking about you everyday. You know how much I hate planes? Well I've started saving for my passport and I'll be on my way as soon as I have enough money. You know me, that'll be in about three years!! Lol. Get better as soon as YOU can.

    Love you loads, Patricia and Lydia xxx

  3. Carolyn,

    My name is Kathy, and I am from Oregon. Today, I just happened to come across the blog your family started for you. My heart truly aches for you and your family regarding everything you have gone through. You sound like an amazing person! I pray with all my heart and soul that you recover quickly!

    Continuing to pray for you in Oregon,
    Kathy Prine
