Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Lesson of Larry & His Hairbrush

Dear Family & Friends,

My dad will give you an update on Carolyn's vitals, etc., but I just wanted to share more personal thoughts.

Sunday night I stayed with Carolyn and went home for rest yesterday afternoon. Upon getting ready to go to work early this morning, I called Ashley and asked her how Carolyn was doing. She said that she was fine, but had gone home because she was beyond exhausted. Ashley has not slept since she arrived on Saturday because of wanting to be with Carolyn.
Immediately my work clothes came off and my jeans and Texas Longhorn sweatshirt were on....I phoned my asst. principal and secretary and told them to hold down the fort, as I needed to continue to be with my sister. I stopped at Wal-mart on my way and decided to pick up a CD for Carolyn. My wonderful sister Karen had this great idea of having Carolyn listen to Disney music (she is the Disney connoisseur of the family) and there was Veggietale CD (yet she is the connoisseur of fine Veggietale tunes, as well -- she especially loves some guy named Larry, the Cucumber).

As soon as I arrived, I dropped all my stuff in the waiting room and scrubbed up to go see Carolyn -- all excited to have her listen to this Veggietale CD (my kids were Dora and Teletubby kids, so I am not so familiar with Veggietales)...though Carolyn is always singing about a hairbrush and Larry, who has no hair.

Upon arriving in Carolyn's room, Gena, one of her incredible nurses was there. She told me Carolyn had been on her back since about 7 am today (this is wonderful news)... I arrived about 9 am. I asked if Carolyn could still listen to music and she said, "Sure, the CD player is right here..." I put "The Veggietales Greatest Hits" on and though Carolyn is still in a comotose state, I know she was singing along with it....I could hear and see her...dancing and singing (with the broomstick that would pose as a microphone). This is our Carolina Rose Flower.... Yes, she has such a deep spiritual side to her and I know that is what is keeping her alive, amongst the prayers and fasting from throughout the world, but in the two hours I was with her this morning, I saw that cute, playful side....singing about Larry, the Cucumber (and his hairbrush -- though he has no hair).

One of the songs was about being grateful. I teared up as I thought about how Carolyn would be grateful and how grateful I am, personally for her remarkable progress to-date. Though Carolyn is where she is, I am truly grateful for the many blessings she has brought into my life. She is the "bonus baby" in our family (as she proudly calls herself) and she truly was and is that... she has brought so much light and sunshine into our family with her cute ways and sweet personality.

As we approach this Thanksgiving, I want to publically express my gratitude for a Loving Father in Heaven, who loves us so individually and knows us each by name. I don't know where I would be without the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but I do KNOW I am who I am today BECAUSE of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the missionaries that found my ancestors and shared the Gospel with them. I am grateful for my ancestors, who through the Spirit, knew it was true and accepted the restored gospel into their lives. I am grateful for parents, like Nephi calls them, "Goodly Parents" that raised us with truth and light. I am grateful for 6 BEAUTIFUL sisters and 1 DASHINGLY HANDSOME brother, who though we have our differences at times, have been wonderful examples of kindness, meekness, and Christ-like love--moreso than I feel I deserve. I am grateful for my ultra-amazing husband and four beautiful children, who ARE God's hands in my life, especially through our most recent trials the last three months.

To each of you, I bear testimony, that I have no doubt that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and has been restored to the earth today. I am grateful for a 14 year old boy that endured persecution for 25 years of his life and was willing to do so REGARDLESS of the personal trials it would cause because it was and is true. I know that there is a living prphet of God that is on the earth today, President Thomas S. Monson, who leads and guides us and literally, "communes with Jehovah." I am grateful for the opportunity that Elaine (one of my sisters) and myself had to go to Israel and walk in the footsteps of the Savior. The Savior truly atoned for our sins and walks with us daily. As my sister Karen said and I testify that the days we are struggling, He literally breaths for us. Of these things, I bear my personal testimony. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



  1. Carolyn, I wish I was there to sing Silly Songs with you with Larry and also sing to Disney songs (you know how we Disney people are) :)

    Heidi, thank you for your testimony and faith. It's such a comfort. If you ever need anyone to come help, I'll be on the first plane out of Washington State. You just let me know!

    Oh and Carolyn...guess what?? I LOVE YOU BUNCHES OF OATS!!!

  2. Heidi, thanks for the great message. Carolyn is truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and is going to love hearing all the messages that you guys have written about her while she was down and out. Love you guys and keep it coming. I am so glad that she is progressing and sounds like is slowly getting better.
