Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Random Acts of H1N1....

Family & Friends (whom I now consider my family)....

H1N1 seems so random in so many ways...why it affects who it does and not others, I don't quite understand. I am around germy kids all day and yet I have not received the fate of others (and nor do I hope to).... it has truly made me grateful for my blessings.

As I continually receive emails from friends from throughout my life of different religious denomications, I am touched by the incredible faith of so many people, regardless of religion. It has been such a testament that their are truly many people today, who do love and believe in God, who knows each of us so well. People who may not even know Carolyn or my family and yet, they have faith and desire for others to be helped and protected. Watching society, it seems we are constantly reminded by how people act around us that there are so many that don't believe in a God, but I am truly humbled by how many do and are so willing to give of themselves spiritually, whether in the time of another's need or even for the sake of comforting one another.

Shaun (my husband) is progressing... the kids are getting better slowly. We love and thank each of you for your faith and kindness, not just for our little family, but for my beautiful sister, Carolyn. Know that you have touched the lives of each member in our family. We are so VERY grateful for all you do!!!!

Know that each and every one of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!




  1. It is so hard to hear about events like this and wanting to help, but not being able to do anything -besides pray; but praying can do more help than almost anything.
    Along those same lines, what a great family you have Carolyn! Their help and support is such an example of eternal love. Wishing ALL of you the very best!
    Eat chocolate!

  2. I'm sorry that your family has been going through all of this. This disease is definitely selective. Carolyn and Shaun will both be in our prayers.

    Amy (Hazzard)

  3. Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

    Please use these words to encourage your entire family. Our Gracious Savior carries us when we are too weary to handle it alone. I know He is giving you all the strength you need to see this through. God bless you all and He knows your needs. - KH (KP's Mom)
